VCS control unit are compact control and power distributors used for the decentralized regulation and control of air-handling systems. They provide the equipment with high stability and safety while allowing easy control, including the viewing of operating states.
The latest Features
This control system is based on a Siemens controller and provides all the features requested by customers, starting with control dependant on the CO2 content in the room, adjustable time and temperature modes, free cooling up to connection to the parent control system.
Remote control using mobile application
REMAK application allows basic touch control and monitoring of VCS series control units using a mobile device (phone, tablet) based on Google Android OS or Apple iOS. For more information, visit the product page of the application.
The application can be freely downloaded from Google Play
VCS Visualization
Visualization allows you to comfortably monitor and control the air handling unit. It is one compact web interface common with the HMI @ WEB controller, which provides access to all data points. The graphical interface utilizes vector graphics technology. This ensures excellent display on both large monitors and mobile devices.
You can try out the data visualization using our demo unit via the following link:
Main login:
User name: SCADA
Password: Scada_Vizual
Then log in to the HMI@ Web interface (password: 4444)
and the visualization will be displayed after pressing the "Web picture" button.