The fifth continuation of a series of administrative centers on the eastern edge of Bratislava's...
The Czech plant of the global auto parts manufacturer is a producer of plastic parts, control...
Construction and equipment of lecture halls with a canteen, theoretical institutes and the...
Agrostroj Pelhřimov is a manufacturer of agricultural machinery, supplier of parts for construction...
In 2021, the site of one of the largest pet food factories in Central Europe, Nestlé Purina, was...
Sports hall completed in 2021 near the banks of the Upper Tisza in Szeged, Hungary. There is also a...
The new plant of the German company Handtmann for the production of parts for the automotive...
Scala Center office and residential complex in the heart of Cluj Napoca, Romania. It includes a set...
Aqualand Moravia is one of the most important tourist destinations in South Moravia and a popular...